Wednesday, April 22, 2009

RanDom RanT abOut StaNdaRdiZed TesTs

If you were a junior in school today (4-22) you had to take the famous ACT. Bet you loved it didn't you. if you didn't well lucky you. Here's what happens you fill in a huge test based on information that you probably haven't learned yet and that is how "smart" you are. Sounds fair. Here is what you didn't know. We get different tests but we get graded the same. You don't think exactly the way the people who write the ACT do, you basically fail. Like me.
In the math section i always score like 2 years above what i am. But when it came to the ACT it said i was below average. How messed up is that? Yes that is what standardized tests are all about... how standard or normal you really are. if you are a genius in math specifically (im not claiming i am im just saying that if you are) but you don't think the same way, say like me you think in a whole new level. I prefer to think in long terms and not these "short" cuts. If i write something down i mess up on it. I don't like the equations they give us. I make up my own and get the same answers... but yet i get them wrong because it wants to know the equation you used and if it isn't the one they wanted you to use... badabing badaboom FAIL!!!!
If you are already a teacher or just a parent, maybe some random person who was curious to see what this rant could possibly be about, you are more then likely thinking "Ok she's right on somethings but she really needs to get her head out of her butt and realize that she is one of few people who think that way." HAHAHAHAHA!! you are sooooo wrong. I am one of the majority who think that this test tests us on how well we think like others and not how well our minds work.

Monday, April 20, 2009

IntEnt And PurPosE

The whole point of this is basically for me to do something... i intend to make this huge and use the responses to change the way the school systems work... I will review topics every two months or so in one blog so that any newcomers can comment or at least see what the people say to stuff like this. I hope that you will all add comments of your own or at least suggest ideas... tell me what about school bothers you... nothing is out anything is in. Put a whole comment cursing out some school teacher.. ill tear it down and make a point with it... the only point at the moment is for me (and you) to tear down our schools and feel better... it releaves stress and gives you something to do
sorry bout hey i know half the stuff i will say is really biased and totally unfair, but that is what being in high school is all about right? so anyway tomorrow 4/21 i will put the first rant down... it mainly focuses on homework... but let me worn you... my thought process is sometimes hard to follow... so feel free to read it 5 times... feel free to ask questions... feel free...